We all need a break from our daily routines every now and then, and that’s especially true for people living with dementia. If you’re caring for a loved one living with dementia, it’s also important to take some time for yourself on a regular basis. Research shows that just thirty minutes outside in nature can be a game changer for any of us. But finding activities that are both enjoyable and safe for both of you can be a challenge. That’s why we’ve put together a list of the best dementia-friendly outings to help you and your loved one get out of the house. Some of these outings are best suited for people living with beginning stages or milder Alzheimer’s and dementia.
Whether you’re looking for a way to spend some quality time together or you simply need a break from the regular routine, these outings are sure to please. And because they’re designed with safety in mind, you can relax and enjoy your time together without worry. So go ahead and explore our list of the best dementia-friendly outings.
Caring for someone living with dementia can be both challenging and rewarding. It’s important to find ways relieve stress and stay positive — you and your loved one will benefit from it. We hope our list of the best dementia-friendly outings has given some ideas help you get started! Remember, it‘s important take breaks and focus on self-care —you deserve it!
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